Monday, October 5, 2009


after 2 weeks in Dschang and 4 days in Bamenda, im back in yaounde. not quite excited about it. hopefully i'll have time to update what has happened in the past 3 weeks. today is a holiday for the teachers, and ashleys mother is being recognized/receiving a medal for her work as an honorary teacher. After the ceremony (which was at 10am), theyre having a huge party at her house. I met all the relatives from the village last night and will be partying it up with them later tonight. i have beaucoup de devoirs though. im contemplating extending my stay in cameroon for at least 2 weeks, climbing mt cameroon, visiting the beach, random travel. ill post more about that thought later.
a plus tard.


  1. Audrey, relieved as always to hear you are alive and well. Back to your first homestay family? Good to see them again? Your french must be getting so smooth. I'm interested in hearing more of your thoughts about staying longer, which would be great experience if it works out. Wondering about spring term at UPS etc and allowing yourself time to re-acclimate to this culture. Just your mom being concerned and practical. Don't listen to a word I say. :) Take care. Fall is here. Halloween black cat prowling the grounds sends a prrrrr your way. Love you, Mom

  2. Audrey D, so glad you are enjoying yourself. Life is short, if it works out to stay longer...okay with me. Make the most of what you have. I enjoyed Kenya...but now it's back to life in this you have the opportunity...make the most of it. Let us know what you've been up to, it's so nice to hear about all you are experiencing. Love, Pop

  3. Audrey, relieved as always to hear you are alive and well. Back to your first homestay family? Good to see them again? Your french must be getting so smooth. I'm interested in hearing more of your thoughts about staying longer, which would be great experience if it works out. Wondering about spring term at UPS etc and allowing yourself time to re-acclimate to this culture. Just your mom being concerned and practical. Don't listen to a word I say. :) Take care. Fall is here. Halloween black cat prowling the grounds sends a prrrrr your way. Love you, Mom

  4. Chere Odray,
    Bienvenue a Yaounde. C'est dommage que ton sojourn a Deschang est fini!
    Bonne chance avec tes etudes!
    ta grandmere
