Friday, November 20, 2009


im almost into the 3rd week of independent study in Dschang. i was initially the only one of us who would be here til my amazing friend anna switched her project to study coffee here. since ive been here, ive met with deans of various faculties (there are 5), spoken with profs and students and have attended Formation Bilingue (ForB) classes, where english is taught to francophones and french taught to anglophones. as an anglophone university student, im dealing with the same challenges that many students also face, though im relating a lot to both francophones and anglophones. i dont really know how to summarize anything here, but i can say that i will have many many copies of my final research composition.
everything has been going well here. i love my family, though my sister dorvale has been in Douala the whole time that  ive been here. I help with washing and cooking, and we go to church on sunday...i played french scrabble the other day with my cameroonian friends at Alliance Franco-Camerounaise, a language learning center/promoter of french culture (funny how assimilation is still alive and well...)
i have a few more weeks here and then i leave for Yaounde to present and finish with the program.
Question: does Athena have herpes?? emily enlightened me the other day, but really?

happy thanksgiving tout le monde


  1. Audrey-a, I haven't been sending you much mail, sorry about that, and I hope you know that I think about you every day, throughout the day. I can't wait to sit down with you and listen to everything. Yes it must seem funny for a cat, your cat, to have herpes. Apparently, most kittens are exposed and contract the virus when they are young. Many cats develop the disease, sometimes prompted by stress such as owners leaving on vacation, which admittedly has happened and compounded by Will sneaking in previously and terrorizing or her disagreements with Zoe..... Treatment is oral, which she loves as she gets tuna twice a day mixed w/ the meds, and topical, which neither she nor I like at all and unfortunately I avoid doing it. I have to wrap her in a towel, press down on her, lift her face and open her eyes to apply the drops, upon which she immediately shakes her head spraying out the drops and then is successful in escaping. And then I reward her w/ a treat, although behavior training rules would suggest I'm rewarding the escape behavior rather than the staying still behavior.

    Did I tell you i'm flying to AZ to see gparents next wk while your sibs go to Broomfield? It'll be nice change of scene. After that we have December. Did I not consider when working w/ you on your return flight changes that you will also be in Africa for your 21st bday? That seems kind of significant. Probably an unforgettable bday it will be. I just hope for your ongoing safety. I hope you continue to be on guard and skeptical about who to trust. I wish you ongoing success on your project. Much love, Mom

  2. Happy thanksgiving to you as well. We travel to Longmont wed after bball practice then to Nicole scrimmage near rifle sat and back to Longmont after then home sun pm. Good job on projects. I've thought about the car thing a little more and checking out opportunities. Love pop

  3. thanks mom but i cant get mail here until the middle of december. poor kitty...

  4. Hi Audrey D...missed you at thanksgiving. All were at your grandmas's house. We are off to find shoes, dinner and a movie with cousins, and then on to bball scrimmage tomorrow with nicole in rifle. Hope you are well...look forward to seeing you in january. Have you registered for spring classes at UPS? Grandma sends love as, pop
